Register of interests

Councillor Phil Harris

I, Councillor Phil Harris a member of the Cheshire Fire Authority, give notice of the interests set out below:


1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
As a Halton Councillor I am in receipt of allowances paid to me by the Council N/A
2. Sponsorship
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None N/A
3. Contracts
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None N/A
4. Land and Property
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Tenant of 31 Ridsdale, Widnes (Halton Housing) N/A
5. Licenses
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None N/A
6. Corporate tenancies
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None N/A
7. Securities
Member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None N/A
I am a Halton Councillor. I am appointed to the Fire Authority by that Council
Member of the Labour Party and Unite the Union
Member of Association of Labour Cllrs, Governor of Ormiston Chadwick Academy
Trustee of Widnes Growing Together Charity (unpaid)
9. Declarations: I have received a copy of the Members' Code of Conduct and agree to abide by it. I understand that the Members' Code of Conduct places obligations upon me to disclose and declare interests and I have familarised myself with the requirments of the Code. I further understand that the Member's Code of Conduct places obligations upon me to disclose and declare interests and familiarise myself with the requirements of the Code. I signed below to confirm that this Notice has been completed to the best of my ability and is true to the best of my knowledge and belief:
Councillor Date
P. J. Harris 15 June 2022