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Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Draft 2022-23 Budget; Council Tax Precept; and Medium Term Financial Plan 2022-27'
Councillor David Brown
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Michael Beanland
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Bob Rudd
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Brian Gallagher
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Gina Lewis
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor James Nicholas
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Jill Houlbrook
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Karen Mundry
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Marilyn Houston
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Martyn Delaney
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Mike Biggin
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Nick Mannion
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Norman Wright
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Peter Wheeler
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Phil Eastty
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Phil Harris
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Rachel Bailey
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Razia Daniels
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Rob Moreton
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Rob Polhill
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Stef Nelson
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept
Councillor Stuart Parker
- Despensation - in relation to setting the Council Tax precept