Paul Mudd, Governance and Communications Manager from XPS Administration, was in attendance and presented the Cheshire Fire Pension Board Report Quarter 3 of 2022-23 which contained the following information:-
- Overview
- Member Self Service
- Common Data
- Membership
- Completed Case Overview
- Completed Cases by Month
- Complaints
- Telephony
Paul Mudd provided an update on the Completed Cases Overview. He advised that in Quarter 3 there were eight cases that fell below the agreed target. A total of 214 cases were dealt with, which gave a KPI adherence of 96%. This was an improvement on the first two quarters of the year that were 80% and 92% respectively. After a period of recruitment, XPS Administration would now concentrate on training and would continue to monitor ongoing results with the hope to report an increase in scores. An error was noted on the Membership information which Paul Mudd agreed to review and correct.
The Scheme Manager requested clarity on the Estimates case that was late in quarter 3 which related to a split pension calculation. She explained that split pensions was an area that had previously been an issue and assurance was required that checks and balances were in place to ensure that split pension cases were dealt with in a timely manner and calculations were accurate. In response, Paul Mudd advised that split pension cases take longer to complete due to the complexity of the calculations and he would provide further assurance to the Scheme Manager outside the meeting that the necessary processes are in place for split pensions.
Paul Mudd advised that XPS Administration would be implementing a fire specific telephone line and that number would be included on all correspondence. The line will lead to specific fire-dedicated advisors, and this will allow the number of calls relating to different subject matters to be monitored. Members of the Board requested clarity on the figures detailed within the report. In response, Paul Mudd advised that future reports would include an explanation on each figure/statistic provided in the report.
The Pension and Payroll Manager confirmed that she had seen an improvement since the new telephone system had been introduced. In response, Paul Mudd commented that the team’s knowledge would increase in time and as they become more experienced in each subject area, and this would benefit the customers.
The Scheme Manager asked how XPS Administration were preparing for the McCloud Remedy legislation that was due to come into force on 1st October 2023. In response, Paul Mudd advised that a dedicated team was in place and a 15-month period had been given to complete this work. AH suggested that a 15-month period would fall very short of the Service’s expectations and requested that consideration be given as to how the work could be expedited to achieve a quicker resolution. Paul Mudd noted that 15 months is the maximum period in which the work must be done and agreed if they could complete the work in advance of 15 months they would do so.
[1] the XPS Cheshire Fire Pension Board Report Quarter 3 be noted;
[2] XPS Administration re-issue the correct Membership information outside the meeting;
[3] XPS Administration to provided clarity directly to the Scheme Manager on the Estimates Case relating to split pension calculations; and
[4] XPS Administration to provide further information the statistics detailed in the Telephony update.
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