Venue: Lecture Theatre - Fire Service Headquarters, Sadler Road, Winsford, Cheshire CW7 2FQ. View directions
Contact: Donna Linton Governance and Corporate Planning Manager
No. | Item |
Recording of Meeting Members are reminded that this meeting will be audio-recorded. Minutes: Members were reminded that the meeting would be audio-recorded. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sherin Akhtar, John Bird, David Brown and Gina Lewis. |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements that the Chair wishes to make prior to the commencement of the formal business of the meeting. Minutes: The Chair asked Members to note the content of the Chair’s announcements which included details of Authority achievements and events Members had attended since the last meeting of the Fire Authority.
The Chair on behalf of the Fire Authority took the opportunity to thank Paul Rostance, Station Manager from Frodsham, Malpas and Tarporley and Ian Wilson, Firefighter from Lymm and members of the International Search and Rescue (ISAR) team who had been deployed on 10th September 2023 to help with the earthquake search and rescue mission in Morocco.
The Chair took the opportunity to welcome James Cunningham, the newly appointed Head of Finance to the meeting. James was due to join the Service in January 2024. |
Declaration of Members' Interests Members are reminded to disclose any interests that are relevant to any item on the Agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of Members’ interests. |
Questions from Members of the Public To receive any questions submitted, in accordance with procedure rules 4.47 to 4.54 by members of the public within the area covered by the Fire Authority. Minutes: There were no questions submitted. |
Minutes of Fire Authority To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Fire Authority Meeting held on 28th June 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Governance advised that since the last meeting had taken place there had been a change in appointments to the Fire Authority that been made by Cheshire West and Chester Council in July 2023. Councillor Felicity Davies had been replaced by Councillor Sherin Akhtar. Councillor Sherin Akhtar had been allocated the place/roles originally allocated to Councillor Felicity Davies i.e. a seat on Governance and Constitution Committee, Member Champion for Young People and Member Champion for Mental Health.
The Annex to the minutes reflected the current position.
That the minutes of the Fire Authority meeting held on 28th June 2023 be approved as a correct record. |
Minutes of Governance and Constitution Committee To receive, for information, the minutes of the Governance and Constitution Committee meeting held on 5th July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Governance and Constitution Committee held on 5th July 2023 be noted. |
Minutes of Performance and Overview Committee To receive, for information, the minutes of the Performance and Overview Committee meeting held on 12th July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Performance and Overview Committee held on 12th July 2023 be noted. |
Minutes of Audit Committee To receive, for information, the minutes of the Audit Committee meeting held on 12th July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Audit Committee held on 12th July 2023 be noted. |
Minutes of Brigade Managers' Pay and Performance Committee To receive, for information, the minutes of the Brigade Managers’ Pay and Performance Committee meeting held on 10th July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Brigade Manager’s Pay and Performance Committee held on 10th July 2023 be noted. |
Minutes of Staffing Committee To receive, for information, the minutes of the Staffing Committee meeting held on 13th July and 10th August 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Staffing Committee held on 13th July and 10th August 2023 be noted. |
Notes of Member Training and Development Group To receive, for information, the notes of the Member Training and Development Group meeting held on 4th July 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the notes of the Member Training and Development Group held on 4th July 2023 be noted. |
Notes of Local Pension Board - Firefighters Pension Scheme To receive, for information, the notes of the Local Pension Board – Firefighters Pension Scheme meeting held on 15th August 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the notes of the Local Pension Board – Firefighter Pension Scheme held on 15th August 2023 be noted. |
Annual Report 2022-23 Minutes: The Head of Communications and Engagement introduced the report which presented the Annual Report video 2022-23 for approval and publication on the Service’s website.
Members were advised that this year the Annual Report had been produced as a short video, as this was proven to drive greater engagement through social media and provided a highly impactful way of presenting the Service’s performance. It would also serve to direct people from social media to the Annual Statement of Accounts on the website. The video was played at the meeting so that Members could decide whether they were satisfied with the format and content.
Once approved, an electronic copy of the Annual Report video would be published on the Service’s website to coincide with the conclusion of the Statement of Accounts. Publication would be announced through the Service’s social media channels and via mainstream media.
[1] the release of the Annual Report 2022-23 in video format be approved for publication. |
Draft Community Risk Management Plan 2024-28 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive and the Head of Communications and Engagement presented a report which set out information about the draft Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) 2024-28. The report sought Members’ approval of the draft CRMP 2024-28 for formal consultation with the public, staff and stakeholders. Details of the consultation process were contained within the report.
Members were advised that the draft CRMP 2024-28 set out a proposed strategy for the development of the Authority’s prevention and protection activity and emergency response capability over the next four years. It had been developed using the Authority’s longstanding Community Risk Management model, which involved assessing risk data from a wide range of sources and applying professional judgement to develop proposals.
The proposals set out in the draft CRMP had been informed by feedback from Members at a workshop on 7th July 2023 and at subsequent Member Planning Days in August and September. In addition, the public and staff had been engaged through online surveys, and sessions run with the Staff Engagement Forum and two focus groups of operational staff. The views gathered were set out in detail in two documents: firstly, the Pre-Consultation Summary, that was attached to the report as Appendix 2; and secondly, the Free Text Comments, that had been published on the website and also available in Group Rooms prior to the Fire Authority meeting. It was proposed to run a 13-week consultation from 2nd October 2023 until 2nd January 2024. As in previous years, a series of consultation roadshows would take place across all four local authority areas. Details of these events would be published on the Service’s website once confirmed.
Initial feedback from the consultation would be reported to Members at the next meeting of the Fire Authority on 6th December 2023. A formal report on the outcomes of the consultation would be presented to the Fire Authority at its meeting on 14th February 2024. At that meeting the Authority would be asked to finalise and approve the CRMP for 2024-28. It would also consider the budget for 2024-25.
Members thanked officers for all the work which had taken place to prepare the draft CRMP 2024-28 for consultation.
[1] the draft Community Risk Management Plan 2024-28 be approved for formal consultation, with the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive authorised to make any final amendments prior to publication. |
Exclusion of Press and Public Minutes: RESOLVED: That:
That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Order 2006, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the items of business listed below on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A to the Act in the paragraphs indicated:
Item 5 – Three Year Fire Station Modernisation Programme Update
(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) |
Year Three Fire Station Modernisation Programme Update Minutes: The Head of Service Improvement presented a report which provided an update on the Fire Station Modernisation Programme and sought approval to proceed with the works at two more fire stations.
[1] authorisation be given to proceed with the modernisation works at Macclesfield and Wilmslow Fire Stations. |